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Frequently Asked Questions

My First Visit

  • Not necessarily. If you miss an appointment or forget to do your HEP, it is important that you make that up. Most of the time, when a patient reports no progress, it turns out they struggled to commit to the process throughout their treatment. On the flipside, when our patients are consistent, they achieve positive results quickly.

  • Yes. Physical therapy works based on the science of how the body rebuilds and heals. The biggest killer of progress is inconsistency. We recommend adhering to your prescribed sessions agreed upon in your PT Eval to achieve desired results.

  • It is not unusual for patients to experience some muscle soreness in the first few visits. The reason for this is because you are exercising and stretching a part of your body that isn’t used to the activity. When we recommend an exercise or stretch, we are specifically targeting the muscles, tendons/ligaments, and bone structures that are dysfunctional and causing you pain.

  • During your initial evaluation, your therapist will take the time to get to know you and what is important to you. They will ask about the limitations you have and talk about your goals.

  • You will be with your therapist one on one for approximately 30 minutes. The only exception to this will be your first visit, which can take about 20 minutes longer due to the physical therapy evaluation your physical therapist will provide. We also recommend showing up about 20 minutes early to your first visit. This way, you can complete the paperwork before your visit time and streamline the process.


  • A typical order for physical therapy will ask for 2-3 visits per week for 4-6 weeks. Sometimes the order will specify something different.

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